May Day Holiday Notice

Apr 30, 2020

To Dear Customers,

We’ll have a 5-day holiday from May 1st to May 5th to celebrate the International Labour Day.


The people all over the world has suffered a lot due to the cronovirus. Good news is that the virus in China is to some extent under control now. So our production is proceeding normally. Should you have any question or need more info about our products, please feel free to contact us. We can ship the goods to you as long as your customs allow the importing.


Kindly reminding: Wear a mask wherever you go and don't touch your eyes, nose and mouth outdoors. Wash your hands with soap when you are back home. If possible, get a bottle of alcohol 75% to spray on your hands. That can kill the virus too. The best way is to stay indoors to avoid the virus.


Do take good care of yourselves. Hopefully we human will beat the virus soon.
