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DTH Hammer Breakout Bench Makes Your Maintenance Work Easier

After a long time working down the hole, the DTH hammers may get stuck or hard to break when it is necessary. If we use other tools to try to disassembly the hammer, it tends to break the integrality and safety of it. In this situation, a breakout bench is a good helper for your maintenance work.



The Characteristics of DTH Bit without Air Tube

This is a kind of high air pressure DTH hammer to fit DTH bits without air tubes (foot valve). It is quite popular in Chinese market these years.



Kicked Off The Work in 2023

Worldrill has kicked off the work from today on. The production of the orders before the holiday has been resumed, too.



Shipment before Chinese Spring Festival & Holiday Notice

This is the last possible batch of shipment before the Chinese Spring Festival coming soon. You are welcome to place orders now and then if you have any purchase plan, and we will start the production for you before the holiday and ship them out after the holiday.



Best-selling DTH Hammer & Deep Hole Drilling Expert

Worldrill's Mission series products without air tube have been the preference of the market. They are the best-selling products in the industry since they entered the market.
